Our entrepreneurship consulting targets small businesses, whom we support with training, coaching and business mentoring. We also offer entrepreneurship training to students from grade 7 to 12 aimed at grooming an entrepreneurship mind-set. Corporates are offered corporate entrepreneurship and enterprise development services. We also offer services to Social enterprises aimed at uplifting communities in support of the sustainable development goals.

TBC recognizes that Africa has a lot of natural resources that should be exploited to better peoples lives. We have therefore rolled out a number of renewable energy projects both in South Africa and Zimbabwe.


TBC uses the Corporate Entrepreneurship Climate Instrument (CECI) to assess, evaluate, and manage the internal environment of the firm in a manner that supports entrepreneurship. Organisations are given the tools that equip them to support innovation and entrepreneurship. We assist organisations to cultivate organisational factors that foster corporate entrepreneurship namely:

  • Innovation
  • Top management support
  • Work discretion / autonomy-
  • Rewards/ reinforcement,
  • Time availability
  • Organisational boundaries